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See the OYSF Sailing Film Festival Short-Film Competition
highlights over the years
2024 At a Glance
See what we were up to in 2024 HERE. Full 2024 Annual Report coming soon… Thank you always to all our donors and sponsors! We can’t do what we do with you.
We’re the 2024 Budd Award recipient!
We are beyond proud to be the recipient of this year’s Budd Award chosen by the Multnomah Athletic Foundation’s Youth Grants Initiative group! This is actually our second time receiving the award, so we must be doing something right 🙂 Since 2017, the Multnomah Athletic Foundation (MAF) has been honoring the spirit of Leland “Bud”[…]
Read Our 2023 Annual Report
See our full 2023 Annual Report HERE
OYSF Community Sailing 2023
OYSF’s Community Sailing Program offers sail and instructor job training to youth who otherwise would not have the opportunity to be on the water. At no cost to participants, this program gives teens the chance to experience the outdoors and the joy of sailing. In 2023, OYSF partnered again with Wind & Oar Boat School[…]
2023 At a Glance
Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to in 2023! Lots of fun and sun all around the state. Full annual report coming soon…
OYSF Socials
Come follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop on our promotions, deals and news! We have accounts for OYSF and also for our Sailing Film Festival. See links below… OYSF Instagram OYSF Facebook The Sailing Film Festival Instagram
2021 Annual Report
We’re happy to share our 2021 Annual Report. Thank you to all of our supporters! See the good news and progress HERE.
2021 At a Glance
Increasing access to our enriching sport is OYSF’s annual goal. With your support, we’ve achieved that goal again in 2021. Most notable was the significant expansion of our Community Sailing camps for teens with little to no water access. Since last year, we expanded our programming from four to ten weeks and quadrupled the number[…]
2021 Sailing Film Festival Results!
The Sailing Film Festival is produced by OYSF as a way to promote our enriching sport and have some fun in the off season. Come see the results @ and share with your friends! The 2021 Screening and Awards Party took place virtually on December 12th, 2021. We had so many fantastic submissions this[…]
Thank You 2021 Community Sailing Sponsors!
Immense THANK YOUS to our 2021 Community Sailing Program sponsors. We absolutely could not have had such success in 2021 without you! The interest in our Community Sailing Program has grown tremendously and we just wrapped up our most comprehensive and exciting season to date: ten weeks of a sailing and boat building[…]
2020 Annual Report
We are extremely proud of what we were able to accomplish in 2020 and what we’ve been up to in 2021. In particular, the interest in our Community Sailing Program has grown tremendously and we just wrapped up our most comprehensive and exciting season to date: ten weeks of a sailing and boat building[…]
US Sailing Siebel Sailors Program Local Sponsors
OYSF is now a proud local sponsor of US Sailing’s newest Pacific Northwest Siebel Sailors Center! In addition to running our own free Community Sailing Program at Willamette Sailing Club, we’ll be fundraising to provide scholarships for this wonderful new addition to the Portland sailing community. See the NEWS HERE! The Siebel Sailors Program[…]
2020 At A Glance
Despite the challenges of 2020, OYSF is proud of what we were able to accomplish and the impact we had. We continued preparing for future projects and supported those programs who were able to get on the water. We remain committed to working with our partners on building for the future of junior sailing in[…]
The Sustainable Sailing Campaign Continues…Donate Now!
Oregon Youth Sailing Foundation (OYSF) has once again teamed up with Willamette Sailing Club (WSC) on our Sustainable Sailing Campaign for junior fleet development throughout the state. The beginner fleet for ages 6-12 at Willamette Sailing Club is in dire need of an upgrade and expansion. Our goal is to raise $15,000 for the purchase[…]
We’re a US Sailing 2020 Reach Youth Engagement Grantee!
Thank you to US Sailing for making us one of this year’s Reach Youth Engagement Grantees! The Reach Program utilizes sailing as an educational platform, challenging youth to embrace education, establish a love of learning and explore productive Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) based careers. Combining educators, sailing instructors, engineers, scientists with today’s youth[…]
Summer Boat Building & Sailing Camps
Check out this video of week 1 at our new collaborative boat building and community sailing summer camps. OYSF teamed up with the incredible Wind & Oar Boat School and Camp ELSO to provide four weeks of building, sailing, paddling and marine science at Willamette Sailing Club in Portland, OR. Thank you to all of[…]
Win a New, Fully Loaded Laser XD for $100. Only 250 tickets available…
2nd Annual Sailing Short Film Competition – Grand Prize $1,000!
Join the fun, win cash and support our mission to make sailing sustainable and accessible for all… It’s time for the Second Annual Sailing Short Film Competition as part of the 2020 Sailing Film Festival! We’ve gone virtual this year and changed some of the rules, but we’ve also really upped the ante on the[…]
Polar Seltzer Sails for the PNW
OYSF recently teamed up with the Polar Seltzer company of Worcester, Massachusetts to bring a brand new set of North Blue Ribbon C420 sails to the Pacific Northwest. These high quality sails will be used for our Community Sailing Program on the Willamette River as well as at high school events throughout Oregon and Washington.[…]
Proud Sponsors of Wind & Oar Summer Boat Building Camps
This summer, OYSF teamed up with Wind & Oar Boat School to support and add the joy of sailing to their incredible boat building curriculum. W&O ran two camps for 23 kids that each consisted of 4 days of building and then a launch and sail on the 5th day. We met the W&O kids[…]
OYSF Community Sailing Summer 2019
This year, we expanded our free Community Sailing Program from spring and fall to the warm winds and waters of summer. Over 5 weeks, more than 100 Portland Metro kids with little to no boating experience went to the Willamette Sailing Club (WSC) to learn the basics of sailing and river fun. The overwhelming response[…]
Congratulations Eugene Yacht Club and the Youth Dock Project
Congratulations to the hardworking volunteers at Eugene Yacht Club that worked to build the new junior sailing dock! In partnership with OYSF, EYC raised nearly $60,000 to move the junior sailing dock into the deeper waters of Fern Ridge Reservoir and significantly extend their sailing season. Because we raised more than planned, the club’s next[…]
And the 2019 Oregon Sailing Short Film Competition winners were…See the films here!
Well, it’s official. The inaugural Oregon Sailing Short Film Competition was a hit! On May 20th, a packed crowd at OYSF’s Benefit Day and Concert moved to the back of the Oregon Pubic House to view the submissions and vote on the winners. It was great to see such enthusiasm for both the adult and[…]
Check out these pics from our Benefit Day and Film Competition…We thank you sincerely for the support
On May 20th, OYSF was the Charity of the Day at the Oregon Public House (the world’s first non-profit bar!). Thank you so much to all who attended and made this such a memorable and fun day. Through our silent auction, benefit concert and a percentage of the day’s sales at the OPH, we raised[…]
OYSF Benefit Day and Concert at Oregon Public House – May 20, 2019
First annual Oregon Sailing Short-Film Competition,Portland’s hottest soul band Ural Thomas & The Pain,and Silent Auction. Help enrich the lives of Oregon youth by sharing the joy of sailing. On May 20th, OYSF will be Oregon Public House’s Charity of the Day. We will be hosting the first annual Oregon Sailing Short-Film Competition and Portland’s hottest soul[…]
Oregon Sailing Short-Film Competition – Cash and Gear Prizes!
Announcing the first annual Oregon Sailing Short-Film Competition hosted by Oregon Youth Sailing Foundation as part of our all-ages 2019 Benefit Day and Concert at The Oregon Public House on May 20th. There are two submission categories, General and Youth. Top three winners in each category win Columbia Sportswear gear and first place winners take[…]
PSU SAILING TEAM is Looking for NEW RECRUITS…Spread The Word!
Visit their Flying Junior display in the atrium of PSU’s Engineering Building or email [email protected] if you or anyone you know at PSU may be interested. The sun is finally here and the spring collegiate sailing season has begun. Here’s a link to the Northwest Intercollegiate Sailing Association (NWICSA) for info on college sailing and[…]
Proud Sponsors of Oregon Corinthian Sailing Association Again in 2019
OYSF is a proud sponsor of Sail PDX and the Oregon Corinthian Sailing Association again this year. See our page in the 2019 OCSA Racebook here! The Oregon Corinthian Sailing Association (OCSA), established in 1958 and later incorporated in 1975, is an independent non-profit organization whose purpose is to encourage and promote sailing events, with[…]
KidFest NW 2019
Check us out at KidFest NW 2019 this past February 15-16 at the Portland Expo Center. We split a booth with the Willamette Sailing Club to promote learn-to-sail programming to the hundreds of families who came to have fun and explore Portland’s rich world of family activities. Those who visited our table learned about our[…]
Sea Scouts’ Kelly Cup Regatta 2018
OYSF hosted the Sea Scouts’ annual Kelly Cup Regatta for the Cascade Pacific Council at Willamette Sailing Club, August 18-19, 2018. The sun was shining and winds were moderate but steady for Saturday’s clinic and Sunday’s regatta. Youth and leaders from the Sea Scouts’ Cascade Pacific Council don’t get to spend much time practicing sailing[…]
Reflections and Photos From the 2018 WIND Event
Youth Racer Casey Pickett of the Willamette Sailing Club used OYSF President Woody Blackford’s Laser for the 2018 WIND Clinic and Regatta in Cascade Locks, OR, July 17-22. The Columbia Gorge is the place to go in the Pacific Northwest for heavy air training. This year’s WIND event did not disappoint! Photos here… Thank you[…]
All Clear On This Heavy Air Downwind Start Video – OYSF Sponsors WIND Clinic and Regatta 2018
The video definitely downplays the breeze! These young sailors were regularly in 20+ knots and 3 foot swells at the 2018 WIND Clinic and Regatta hosted by the Columbia Gorge Racing Association, July 17-22 in Cascade Locks, OR. OYSF sent Program Coordinator Matthew Berger as a coach for the Opti clinic and donated the[…]
OYSF Free Community Sailing – Spring/Fall 2018
OYSF’s newly revived Community Sailing Program at Willamette Sailing Club was a great success last year and we’re excited to keep the momentum going! This could not have been possible without the motivation of Self Enhancement, Inc. and generous funding by the TK Foundation and the Portland Philopthochos Society. Thank you! Expect to see us out[…]
Peer Mentoring & Travel Reimbursement @ WSC
OYSF has planted a seed for the Willamette Sailing Club’s youth racing team by making a donation to a travel reimbursement fund for youth racers. Experienced WSC youth racers can now apply to their club for up to 50% of an event’s travel costs by “paying it forward” to younger sailors. Youth mentors earn travel[…]
OYSF Community Sailing Program In Action – Thank You TK Foundation!
We are very happy to announce that OYSF has received three years of funding from a TK Foundation Youth Development Grant to run our Community Sailing Program at the Willamette Sailing Club. We are teaming up with the Self Enhancement, Inc (SEI) after-school program to put students from Portland public high schools with limited river[…]
WSC’s Zim C-420s Are Here
Willamette Sailing Club’s high school racers are looking sharp and sailing smooth in the club’s new Zim C-420s. Twelve fast boats in four fancy colors to be used for race team, learn-to-sail, community sailing and more! Thank you again to all who supported OYSF and the Sustainable Sailing Campaign.
CGRA Summer Youth and Community Sailing Program
OYSF is a proud supporter of the Columbia Gorge Racing Association’s Youth and Community Sailing Program. These programs run from June – August each summer and are designed to encourage local kids and families to get out on the water in a safe and encouraging recreational sailing setting. CGRA provides the boats, equipment, safety boat operators[…]
Lewis & Clark College Starting Off Spring Sailing Right
OYSF recently helped the Lewis & Clark sailing team with funding for transportation to practice and travel to away events. Here they are putting the funds to use getting ready for the spring season… Women’s Clinic – Lewis and Clark hosted a collegiate women’s clinic at Willamette Sailing Club February 10-11. 28 women from[…]
Fleet Replacement Fundraiser Success. Thank You Donors!
We are thrilled to say that the 2017–2018 Sailing is Sustainable Fleet Replacement Fundraiser at Willamette Sailing Club’s Annual Awards Banquet on December 2, 2017 was a great success. We exceeded our goal of $15,000 and raised $21,000 just that night. Thank you to all of our amazing donors! Funds raised will allow OYSF to help youth[…]
New Club 420s at Yaquina Bay Yacht Club
OYSF grant helps the Yaquina Bay Yacht Club acquire new Club 420s from the Gorge Sailing Team in Hood River. Here is an article from the September 2017 issue of YBYC’s newsletter, The Jib Sheet.
about oysf
our mission and history

OYSF aims to keep sailing alive and active in Oregon by making it accessible to young people, with a focus on those who otherwise would not have the opportunity to be on the water. The programs we support connect youth to the joy of sailing and the life skills and confidence it helps build. Founded in 2007, Oregon Youth Sailing Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that establishes programs and makes grants for the support of youth dinghy sailing in Oregon. OYSF succeeds by accomplishing its mission to “get more Oregon youth sailing” from all walks of life. As of 2024, OYSF has raised over $700,000 and funded boats, sails, facilities, equipment, travel and free community sailing programs throughout Oregon for the African Youth Community Organization, Blueprint Foundation, Camp ELSO, Center for African Immigrants and Refugees, Coalition of Black Men, Columbia Gorge Racing Association, Fulbright Program, Girls, Inc., Gorge Junior Sailing, Gorge Sailing Team, Eugene Yacht Club, Imagine Possibilities, iUrban Teen, Lewis & Clark College, Metropolitan Family Services, Neighborhood House, Oregon Boating Foundation, Oregon Corinthian Sailing Association, Oregon Maritime Museum, Oregon State University, Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center & Rosemary Anderson High School, Portland State University, RiversWest Small Craft Center, Sail2Change, Sea Scouts, Self Enhancement, Inc., Ukrainian Foundation, University of Oregon, Willamette Sailing Club, Wind & Oar Boat School, Yaquina Bay Yacht Club, and more...
OYSF’s current major projects include: • Community Sailing Program provides free sail and job training to teens in the PDX area with limited river access • Sustainable Sailing Campaign for fleet expansion throughout Oregon • Collegiate Sailing Fund sustains college sailing in Oregon by supporting coaching and program costs • Equipment Fund accepts cash and in-kind donations to provide equipment for youth sailing programs

the programs we currently support
the team
the ones who keep this boat afloat

Ashley Lund

Matt Sprick

Woody Blackford

Dean Yioulos

Michael Rees

Sara Morrissey

Tavie Keo

Matthew Berger
OYSF Newsletter
Thank you sponsors